by Fran Scanlon-Sills |
The slate of officers for 2004 selected at the October FOL meeting retained their seats. There were no additional nominees put forward at the November meeting and, with no opposition, an election would have been redundant. The re-elected officers were inducted at the Holiday Luncheon held at Monets Café on December 13. |
President Jean Craig graciously accepted the call to serve for a second term. During 2003, Jean introduced an adherence to Roberts Rules which has streamlined the monthly meetings. It is a rare meeting that fails to cover the items on the agenda in the allotted time. |
Among the many hats she wears, Judy Shaner serves as Vice President. She also heads up the monthly staff appreciation committee which makes sure that milestones such as birthdays and holidays are appropriately recognized for the library personnel. With the resignation of Pat Scott, Judy has also taken on the responsibility for making sure the Books for Babies Program continues into the future. |
Jeanie Bullock will return as Secretary for the Friends and will continue to keep us all apprised of the minutes in a very timely manner. Her consistently accurate minuts are posted to the Friends website (www.andythebookworm.tripod.com) well in advance of the next meeting for easy reading prior to attendance. |
The Treasurer's office remains under the trusty hand of Miki Rice. As so many of the active members, Miki is involved in much more than her elected office. She also oversees the donation and rotation of periodicals on behalf of the FOL at the Cancer Center in town. |
Congratulations to these intrepid few and thank you! |