Friends of the |
Library |
Officers and Committee |
Chairpersons |
President: Pat Scott |
pcs10@alltel.net 745-1280 |
Vice President: Judy Shaner |
gshaner@linkamerica.net745-5746 |
Treasurer: Joseph Adams |
adamsjr@alltel.net 781-3382 |
Secretary: Jean Craig |
clancraig5@alltel.net 745-3526 |
Membership: Michelle Maloney |
mfmaloneyf@aol.com 745-9211 |
Publicity: Pattie Hamilton |
ppham@alltel.net 745-1936 |
Social: Jane Thompson |
jbt@isponline.net 745-5240 |
Newsletter: Ken Johnson |
khj240@alltel.net 745-1704 |
Staff Appreciation: Judy Shaner |
gshaner@linkamerica.net 745-5746 |
Union County |
Library Board |
Librarian: Wilma Ash |
Superintendent: Tommy Stephens |
Mayor: Dennis Garrett |
Commissioner: Lamar Paris |
Appointees: |
Sylvia Turnage |
Royna Mae Cobb |
Virginia Jordan |
Jane Thompson |
Gwen Connelly |
Janie Collins |
Paula Davenport |