Books for Babies
by Judy Shaner
Special thanks to all who participated in and supported our latest community-wide literary effort to encourage parents to read aloud to their infants. In particular to Reck Niebuhr, as assitant co-ordinator, who collected $940 in pledges from businesses and organizations. The 25 collection jars distributed throughout the community brought the total to $1216.46. Thanks to Judi Niebuhr and Cathy Fiser for their creative help with the mason jars. These funds will be matched by our Friends of the Library. Friend of Libraries USA (FOLUSA) and our local FOL have joined together to deliver another 440 packets to new mothers and their newborns. They will be dispensed at the Union County Hospital before mothers and babies leave. Thanks to Fran Scanlon-Sills for the publicity coverage in our local newspapers.
The Books for Babies program has been well received in our community and we hope to continue this worthwhile project in the future. What a welcome baby gift to welcome the new arrival into the world of books!
2004 Membership Drive
by Michelle Maloney
Welcome to the New Year!  We are pleased to report that 82 members have already paid their dues, thus enabling us to begin our important work of supporting our library.
Many thanks to those of you who have already renewed and also to those who invited a friend to join us.  We are delighted to report fifteen new members as a result.
For those of you who haven't had a chance to renew, we are hoping that the Friends of the Library will continue to be one of your priorities.  We know that there are many very worthy organizations in need of financial contributions;  however, we truly are a bargain and a very important asset to our community.  Please call Michelle Maloney at 745-9211 if you have misplaced your membership form and I will be sure to see that you get another!
Your generous support is greatly appreciated!
Special Thanks
by Judith Vaughn
Many, many thanks to E.T. Thompson for his behind-the-scenes work with the mailing labels for the newsletter! He has been doing the work ever since the first issue of the newsletter came out in September 1997.
Treasurer's News
by Miki Rice
Account Balances as of 12/8/03
Checking $5552.12
Savings $6423.30
CD $5554.88
Total $17530.30
Income $5579.28
This includes $1216.46 for Books for Babies, $497 from the literary basket raffle and bookbags, $725 for the Pattie Hamilton Memorial Project, $50 for the James Dunn Memoral Fund (for GED students), and $3290.82 from dues and interest on our accounts.
Expenses $6156.52
These include $2173.65 for a new printer for the library, $1200 for Books for Babies, $600 for children's programs, $728.52 for books on tape, $54.93 for books, $292.32 to send representatives to meetings/conventions, $341.10 for staff appreciation, $154 for GED scholarships, $94.98 for Coffee House programs; and $477.02 for membership expenses (newsletter, stamps, postcards).
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