Membership renewal forms for the year 2001 are enclosed for those who have not yet renewed their memberships. We hope you have decided to continue your support as a Friend. Together we make a difference! |
by Jane Thompson |
Thirteen members of the Mountain Regional Library Staff and Board of Directors attended the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta on January 25. This day allows representatives of all types of libraries located all over the state of Georgia a chance to meet with their legislators and present their concerns to the state legislature as a whole. A total of 800 libraries participated altogether, including public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries. Members of Friends of the Library were also present. |
Public libraries have now been transferred to the Board of Regents. We hope this transfer will eventually produce an increase in funding. Stephen Portch, Chancellor of the Board of Regents, spoke to the group at the briefing before our visit to the Capital. The libraries will be asking for a seven cents per capita materials increase. They also told the legislature they want construction programs put back into the budget since all counties need to expand their facilities, especially Fannin County which needs a new building. Also, we have asked for increases in funding at the Office of Public Library Services and at public library systems around the state: more funding for materials for preschoolers, children, and teens and further expansion of the Vacation Reading Program. Also, we have asked to develop a year-round program for preschoolers, children, and teens. |
The Legislature Day gives us an opportunity to talk with our legislators and make them aware of library interest. This is important as 52 percent of our funding comes from the state. |
After the briefing we proceeded to the Capitol to watch the legislators in session. We then went on to the Old Railroad Depot where we had lunch with 8th District Representative Ralph Twiggs, 50th District Senator, Carol Jackson, and Fannin County's District Senator Bill Stephens. |
We had a good visit with our legislators and are pleased with the efforts of the Board of Regents We hope the increases in budget will be forthcoming. |
by Pattie Hamilton |
An engraved brass plate on a book shelf is a permanent lasting tribute to a family member, friend, associate, or group. A sample may be seen at the library desk, where application forms are also available. Each plate may have up to two lines of 45 characters per line. The minimum donation is $25 for an individual or $40 for a business. |
Several plates have already been ordered and should be in place by the time you read this. First Place Trophies of Blairsville (with Henson's Tee Shirts, just off the square) is preparing the plates. |
Proceeds from this project will be dedicated to our "New Library Fund." Please call Pat Scott at 745-1280 if you wish to order a plate. |
by Pat Scott |
Have you noticed the two new park benches at the front entrance of our library? These were donations from Friends who wish to remain anonymous. THANK YOU, kind friends, for a delightful idea! We know they will get much use over the years. |
Enjoy! |