Friends of Union County Library Launches Birthday Book Club |
by Pattie Hamilton |
Does your child have every video or computer game? Does your grandchild have multiple sets of Legos and numerous action figures? |
Books are wonderful alternatives to the high tech world of today's toys! Friends of Union County Library is launching a new program at the Union County Public Library to assist parents, grandparents, and friends in celebrating a child's birthday in a meaningful way while adding to the Library's collection of children's books. The BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB is taking registrations now! |
To join The Birthday Book Club, an adult will register the child's name, age, and interest or specific title desired. Friends and family may come to the library to check the registration and then either purchase a book to donate in the child's name or ask for assistance in securing an appropriate book. When the book is donated, the birthday boy or girl reads the book first, a nameplate is put in the front of the book, and then the book is put into the library collection. |
Spread the word! Celebrate a child's birthday and help the Union County Public Library at the same time! For details, contact Michelle Maloney at 745-9211 or Pat Scott at 745-1280. |
A recent article in the North Georgia News about the Senior Center indicated a need for BOOKS! A conversation with Ruth Murrell, Director, revealed that they send out many books to the approximately 75 Meals On Wheels clients they serve daily, as well as many others they have at the center during the week. So... a group of us got together recently and culled through donations and the book sale room, packed up and delivered six boxes, mostly paperbacks, to the Center. We are also looking into the possibility of a regular stop for the Mountain Regional Bookmobile. |
We have also donated the backdrop for the fishing pond that we used a few years ago at Spring Thing, and no longer need, to the Sunday School at the First Baptist Church, in hopes that the children can enjoy it. |
by Pat Scott |
A growing number of people are realizing that it is not enough to speak of the future just in terms of dollars and cents. They are using FIVE WISHES, America's most popular living will, a document developed by Aging With Dignity, a non-profit organization. This has been featured on NBC's Today Show, the Wall Street Journal, and Time magazine. This legally valid document is easy to understand and focuses on all the needs of a person: medical, personal, and spiritual. |
The Five Wishes refer to the five sections of the document: |
‚The person I want to make care decisions for me when I can't |
‚The kind of treatment I want or don't want |
‚How comfortable I want to be |
‚How I want people to treat me |
‚What I want my loved ones to know |
One copy costs $5 ( $1 for 25 or more) - call toll free to Aging With Dignity at 1-888-5 WISHES or visit their website at www.agingwithdignity.org. We are ordering some copies for the library and hope to have them available soon. |