Where the Money Goes! |
by Joseph Adams |
In the year just past (2001), Friends of Union County Library has provided more than $1,300 in direct capital support of the library ($393.58 for a bookshelf for the large-print books, $632.03 for a rack for video tapes, and $285.86 for books). In addition, over $340 was provided in support of the Children's Summer Reading Program. Other activities included the Wilma Ash Scholarship, Books for Babies, and the establishment of a New Library Fund. |
The Wilma Ash Scholarship is funded by revenue from fund-raising activities and not from membership dues. $600 was dispersed in support of formal studies in Library Science by the library staff. |
Books For Babies is a program that places materials with new mothers, encouraging them to introduce their babies to books and reading at the earliest possible age. Through the efforts of President Pat Scott, this effort is supported by community donations and matched by F.O.L.125 kits have been distributed since June and another 125 kits are expected to be distributed by the end of next June. |
The large-amount transaction was the establishment of the New Library Fund. $5,000 from assets accumulated in the current and previous years was set aside in a certificate of deposit to be used when the "new" Union County Library is "built" in a few years. During the year an additional $247.20 was added to the New Library Fund from the net proceeds from shelf plates sold for that purpose. Furnishing and equipping of the "new" Library will be a major expense that Friends wants to help defray. |
The above have been a few of the highlights of this year. (Come to the January meeting for a complete annual report.) |