Holiday Fun |
for Friends |
by Pattie Hamilton |
Santa came early to the Friends of Union County Library Holiday Celebration on Thursday evening, December 13. Pat Scott, aka Santa, welcomed many Friends and guests and introduced the new officers and chairpersons who will serve the organization during the 2002 fiscal year. A lovely buffet of tidbits, goodies, coffee, and punch tempted the appetites and filled tummies as "Friends" renewed friendships forged around membership in the Friends group. |
Jacob Craig entertained us with carols and holiday music he had recorded previously and Jessica Craig served as Santa's elf in passing out numbers for the gift exchange. There were a few hearty, but peaceful wrestling matches over particularly desirable gifts and good natured teasing promoted a jovial atmosphere. Thanks to Pat Scott, Pattie Hamilton, Jane Thompson, Virginia Felker and those worthy souls who stayed to clean up. |