President's Message: |
Some friends and I were fortunate enough to be able to visit the Norman Rockwell exhibit at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta about two years ago. Many of us grew up familiar with the works of the famed illustrator, who held up a mirror to the society in which he lived. Americans looked into this glass and saw themselves as warm, decent, hard-working citizens of a country bountiful enough to accommodate their boundless optimism. Perhaps the greatest impact for me, personally, was Rockwell's depiction of the Four Freedoms - as timely today as they were when completed in 1943: Freedom of Worship - with people of different faiths joined together in the act of prayer; Freedom from Want - a happy family celebrating the abundance of a Thanksgiving dinner; Freedom from Fear - sleeping children being watched over by their parents; Freedom of Speech - a blue collar worker clearly standing up to express his opinion at a school or town meeting. |
In spite of the troubled world that this country faces today, these Freedoms which we often take for granted are precious to us, and perhaps constitute the basis of distrust and maybe jealousy by certain parts of the world. EMBRACE OUR FREEDOMS - worship as we please, enjoy the bounty we experience, live our lives with courage and generosity, and appreciate our right to read, research, explore, and express ourselves as embodied by the multitude of books, magazines, newspapers, and the many services provided by our public libraries. |
Pat S. |