by Fran Scanlon-Sills |
The Friends have had a busy year and our library is bustling along. Computer technology has found a comfortable niche in the central area of the library with some updated terminals provided by United Community Bank; FOL replaced worn out chairs with new, substantial ones for seven stations. ($995.13) |
We have also obtained 175 "New Mothers' Kits" in conjunction with the "Books for Babies" program. And eighteen books on tape for children have recently been purchased and donated to the library. These taped books have proven popular with library patrons of all ages and additional purchases are planned for the up-coming year. ($950.00; 234.11) |
A continuing expression of appreciation for the Library staff was offered on a monthly basis where staff members' birthdays were recognized in small ways, generally with flowers or food and a card. In months with no birthdays, the staff in general was recognized. ($132.04) |
During 2002, the first recipient of the Wilma Ash Scholarship graduated with her Master's degree in Library and Informational Science (MLIS). We extend our congratulations to Mary S. "Susie" Brendle for her achievement. ($400.00) |
Operating expenses for the year included printing the newsletter, membership development, corporate registration, dues to appropriate organizations and costs incurred in fund-raising. ($926.85) |
Of course, none of these wondertul activities would be possible without the support of our community. While membership in 2002 numbered only 63 in January, a recent, comprehensive appeal has netted 172 members through mid-December. While memberships account for most of the funding available to the Friends' projects, the "Trash and Treasure" yard sale this past autumn profited the treasury a little over $2,000. |
The James Dunn Memorial Scholarship Fund was established this year at the request of the Dunn family. The Friends will act as the receiver and disburser for the Fund, which will be used to support the testing costs of GED candidates in need of financial help. No disbursements were made in 2002. ($407.00) |
During 2002, over 75% of funds received have been used in support of programs directly benefiting the library. Any funds received but not used in a given year are carried over to the following year and/or allocated to the "New Library Fund" for future use in purchasing incidentals associated with the much needed expansion of our facility. |
(Detailed financial information can be made available at any Friends of Union County Library meeting, held the third Wednesday of the month in the multi-purpose room of Union County Library.) |