by Judith Vaughn |
The following slate recommended by the nominating committee was unanimously accepted at the November meeting: |
Jean Craig - President Jean has served as secretary for two years, during which she has added grace and charm (and a laptop) to the proceedings. |
Judy Shaner - Vice President Judy begins her third year as veep. She will continue to serve as staff appreciation chair and is particularly interested in facilitation of the Books for Babies program. |
Michelle Rice - Treasurer Miki is a new member who has jumped in with enthusiasm. She is a retired math teacher and can do complicated sums in her head(!). |
Vacant - Secretary No one has come forward to serve as secretary. If the position is still vacant when it's time for the January meeting, |
Judy Vaughn has agreed to fill in if she may use (read "play with") |
Jean Craig's laptop for the minutes. |
Leaving service are Pat Scott and Joseph Adams, who have filled the offices of president and treasurer, respectively, for the past three years. They have devoted hundreds of hours to their offices, serving with dignity and good humor. |
Continuing as committee chairs are Michelle Maloney, membership, Ken Johnson, newsletter, Jane Thompson, social, and Judy Shaner, staff appreciation. Pat Scott has agreed to take Pattie Hamilton's place as publicity chair. |
Those who actively participate in the business of Friends of the Library find it to be a rewarding undertaking. If you, too, are interested in participating, please join us at the monthly meetings, third Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m., library multi-purpose room. We look forward to another joyful, productive year supporting our public library. |