by Michelle Maloney |
It's October! Time to kick off our membership drive for 2004! We are calling it "The Year of the Friend." Why? Two reasons. First, we are honoring and celebrating YOU! There are 236 of you who have helped make possible all of the many services that we have been able to provide for our library. In these days of budget cuts, these are not merely extras but necessities. To mention a few: you have made it possible for us to continue the Books for Babies program, help in the rescue of the library after "the Great Flood," maintain the new library fund, support our dedicated staff with tokens of our appreciation, sponsor a community book club as well as coffee house socials, buy books on tape, provide many incidentals that enhance the library. We hope that you realize how valuable your membership is! |
There is a second component to "The Year of the Friend." In this newsletter, you will notice two membership forms. One, of course, is for your convenience as you renew. (We are crossing our fingers that you have already decided to do that.) The other is for you to reach out to a friend and/or neighbor and invite them to join us as we support this most valuable resource. |
Therefore, we are asking for your help in two ways. One, please renew your current membership. Two, think about the people you know who would enjoy supporting this important part of our community and share the second membership form with them. As you encourage them to join us, be sure to tell them that very little of our money goes for operating expenses, the bulk goes for direct support to the library, and that we rely totally on dues and fundraisers to financew our expenditures. |
We applaud your enthusiasm and hope that you will make your support a long time tradition! |
by Judith Vaughn |
At our Butternut Creek Festival membership table on August 9 and 10, we obtained a new member, sold four bookbags and lots of raffle tickets for the fundraiser, chatted with other book lovers, listened to some good country music, and affirmed our presence in the community as active supporters of our beloved library. Festival photos are posted on the website. |
Many thanks to the following people for making the membership table and fundraiser a success: John Roberts, our guest author, and his wife Jan; Miki Rice; Delores and Edgar Mikronis; Jeanie Bullock; Susie and Ted Barch; Jane Thompson; Ken Johnson; Fran Scanlon-Sills; Elizabeth Cooksey; Michelle and Frank Maloney; Jean Craig; Mike and Judy Smith of High Country Artisans; and Teresa Dorton of United Community Bank. |
The literary raffle basket donated by UCB raised $422. Congratulations to Gail Fox, winner of the gorgeous basket! |