Greetings, Friends! |
It is difficult to believe that we are approaching years' end! Many goals and visions of the Friends of the Library have been discussed and implemented or put on "hold." Just to highlight a few: Some new Friends have joined and have served in different capacities. Many longtime Friends have continued to serve with excellence and diligence. A networking of the regional system's Friends of the Libraries has become a reality and two presidents of other county FOLs have attended our meetings to share ideas. The Coffee House Socials have been attended to overflowing! The new monthly book club is inspiring many readers, Books for Babies has continued to be a great success, a fundraising committee has formed to keep ideas flowing throughout the year. Purchasing books on tape for the library has been a Friends project, as well as volunteering each week to assist in shelving books and other library needs. We have a dream of more space and hopefully a new building or expansion of the present facility with plenty of parking space. Even the employment of Roberts Rules of Order for specifying timed segments during the meeting and starting and ending on time has been mostly successful! |
If you are not an active member, I encourage you to come to the next montly meeting and use your talents to support our local library! Many and varied talents are needed and it is a wonderful way to employ yours! |
I thank all those who support the Friends of the Library in any way! |