Friends of the Library, North Georgia Technical College staff and personnel, County officials, and other friends joined Pattie's family for the dedication of the Pattie Hamilton Reading Nook at the library Wednesday, July 21. Pattie's husband, Charlie, his daughter, and grandchildren brought copies of the recently published book of Pattie's writings, Chocolate Pie and Hard Cheeze. Also, Pattie's sister-in-law traveled from California to join the group honoring our beloved Pattie. |
Many, many thanks to Teresa Dorton of United Community Bank and her assistants Deanna Webster, Dana Ensley, and Tiffany White for providing the table of delicious refreshments and serving the guests. A special thanks to Ken Johnson, our newsletter editor, for the photos. |
We all loved Pattie. The Reading Nook will be a reminder to all of us of her interest and love of our library and her unselfish leadership of Friends of Union County Library. |
Treasurer's News by Miki Rice |
The Pattie Hamilton Reading Nook is now complete. FOUCL presented Susie Brendle, our librarian, with a check ($1485.27) for the remainder of the memorial fund to purchase books in Pattie's name. |
A new mat was paid ($111.78) for by FOUCL for the area behind the check-out desk. This will help save the carpet and make it more comfortable on those who work at the desk. |
Due to an air-conditioning mishap, a portion of the new carpet was stained. FOUCL paid ($90) to have that area and the community room cleaned. |
Upcoming plans include creating a Pat Scott Kid's Corner with a rocking chair, new bean bag chairs and children's motif area rug. Also a new all-in-one TV/VCR/DVD will be provided for the community room. |
We continue to fund the Books for Babies program. |
Balances as of 9/7/04 |
Library Fund CD $5599.33 |
Savings $6432.95 |
Checking $1665.28 |
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Please join us in supporting our public library. |
__Junior (age 12 and under): $1.00 __Individual: $8.00 |
__Family: $12.00 __Patron: $25.00 |
__Donor: $50.00 __Sponsor: $100.00 |
__NEW for 2005 __RENEWAL for 2005 |
Name(s) __________________________________________________________ |
Address __________________________________________________________ |
Telephone (________)________________________ |
E-Mail Address _________________________________ |
Mail this form with your check to: Friends of Union County Library, |
P. O. Box 1029, Blairsville, Ga. 30514 |
Friends is a nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible. |
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