Message from the President..............
Have you ever done something that you knew was just the right thing to do? I feel that way about being involved with Friends of the Library. There are so many varied opportunities and areas in which to use talents and skills. New faces and new ideas are encouraged and welcome. Reading is an occupation that opens up the entire world, not to mention the unlimited experience of the human imagination! Writers benefit greatly from reading excellent literature. Education is just a page away for anyone wanting to learn.
Adventure awaits all ages as a plethora of books are opened with anticipation! Technology has added a new dimension to the library with computer/internet availability, books on tape, and videos and DVDs for check-out. From magazines placed at the Cancer Center to the Books for Babies program at the hospital, Friends of the Library folks are ever mindful to share and make people aware of the rich resources at ones disposal at our library. Yes, being a Friend is the right thing to do! Why not join us at the next meeting?
Jean Craig
Friends of Union County Library
Union County Library
P. O. Box 1029
Blairsville, GA 30514-1029
Next General Meeting is Wednesday,
October 20, at 2 p.m.
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