Every year Friends purchases books, magazines, and supplies for the library, helps to fund Teen
Nights and the summer reading program for children, gives small gifts and cards of appreciation to Susie and her wonderful
staff, and provides volunteers to shelve books and do other tasks around the building.
We had
a very successful raffle that included three drawings won by Blairsville residents or those with Blairsville ties.
We had a grand book and bake sale that raised lots of money for the library.
In December,we co-sponsored a play, "A Christmas Carol," with the library
that was put on in the library by the Hampstead Players from New Hampshire.
Sponsored two fundraising raffles.
Sponsored a Quilt and Basket of Goodies Raffle and a Book & Bake Sale.
Staffed booths at the Strawberry Jubilee, the Tri-State Business Women's Expo,
the Butternut Creek Festival, and the Sorghum Festival.
Held a membership event at Joy of Learning, featuring a guest violinist and "Reflections on Learning"
by Dr. Rhonda Joy Vansant.
Participated in Mountain Appraisal Night at Antonietta's Grill and the library benefit
tour of Misty Mountain Model Railroad.
Celebrated our 15th Anniversary with a BBQ Potluck Picnic.
Purchased equipment and furnishings for the children's room of the renovated and expanded library.
Helped to fund the automatic, wheelchair-accessible entrance doors to the library.
Sponsored a Trash & Treasure Sale, "A Mile of Pennies," and a Quilt, Basket, and Jewelry Box Raffle.
Participated in Mountain Appraisal Night at Antonietta's Grill and the library benefit tour of Misty Mountain
Model Railroad.
Participated in the Varsity Day for Public Libraries in Atlanta and the strategic planning of the Mountain
Regional Library System.
Sponsored a Trash & Treasure Sale, "A Mile of Pennies," and a quilt raffle.
Participated in a Brother's Restaurant in Young Harris community night.
Accepted with gratitude and pleasure the first Fabulous Friends Award from Friends of Georgia
Libraries (FOGL).
Advocated for state funding of the library renovation and expansion.
Sponsored "Miles of Pennies," a Trash and Treasure sale, a Bass Fishing Tournament, and a Benefit Auction
& Raffle as fundraisers.
Participated twice in Brother's Restaurant Community Night for 15% of the restaurant earnings.
Assisted the library staff at their Book and Bake Sale.
Campaigned for passage of the Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) and its benefits for the library.
Sponsored a book signing and a gift basket raffle, "A Mile of Pennies," a Trash and Treasure sale, a Bass
Fishing Tournament, a Pat Aube' Gray limited edition print raffle, and a live and silent auction as fundraisers.
Were represented at the Library Legislative Day at the capital.
Sponsored a "Sips & Snippets Day" at the library, candle, book bag, and literary basket fundraisers,
a bake sale, and a trash and treasure sale.
Sent a representative to the Library Legislative Day.
Celebrated our 10th Anniversary with an afternoon tea.
Renovated the multi-purpose room kitchenette.
Sponsored a fundraiser raffle.
Held a "Cakes Galore Friendathon" as a fundraiser and membership solicitation.
Co-sponsored an open house and reception for Teresa Haymore, retiring system director.
Sponsored a reception in honor of the new system director, Donna Howell.
Helped gather fans when the library's air conditioner failed.
Sent a representative to the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta.
Established the Pattie Hamilton Memorial Reading Nook.
Sponsored a membership table at the Union County Interagency Fair.
Established the Pat Scott Memorial Kids' Corner.
Sent a representative to the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta.
Helped clean up after the Great Library Flood.
Honored retiring staff members.
Sponsored a Trash and Treasure fundraiser and membership tables at the Butternut Creek
Festival and the Union County Interagency Fair.
Sent a representative to the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta.
the Birthday Book Club for children and the Wilma Ash Scholarship for advanced study in library science.
Honored a retiring staff member.
Sponsored a Sunday "Meet the Writers" program and a membership table at the Butternut
Creek Arts Festival.
Sent a representative to the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta.
Established a memorial shelf plate program and a new library fund.
Funded the Birthday Book Club and the
Wilma Ash Scholarship.
Established the Birthday Book Club, Books for Babies, and the Wilma Ash Scholarship.
Helped to fund a new bookmobile for the system.
Sponsored a membership table at the Butternut Creek Arts
Festival and the third "Spring Thing" fundraiser.
Funded the landscaping in front of the library sign and the renovation of the
multi-purpose room and foyer.
Sponsored the tenth anniversary celebration of the library at its present site.
a Chamber of Commerce "After Hours."
Designed and distributed memorial book program cards to the Chamber of Commerce,
nursing homes, and funeral parlors.
Sponsored the second "Spring Thing" and Sunday "Coffee House" program.
Initiated and helped to fund the purchase of a new library sign.
Purchased furnishings
and built shelves for a reference room.
Moved the reference books into the new reference room.
Sponsored "Spring
Thing" and a Sunday "Coffee House."
Sent a representative to the annual Library Legislature Day in Atlanta.