April 23- Pattie Hamilton and Judith Vaughn meet with Teresa Haymore, director of Mountain Regional Libraries,
to gather information about forming a friends of the library group for Union County Public Library.
April 27- Application
is made for membership in Friends of Libraries USA.
April 29- Pattie and Judy meet with Wilma Ash, librarian
of Union County Public Library, to discuss formation of the Friends group. Pattie and Judy begin work on Articles
of Incorporation and an application for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
May 21- Eight members of
the community meet to begin organizing Friends. Present are Teresa, Wilma, Pattie, Judy, Florence Blumberg, Virginia
Jordan, Lenore Lee, Richard McDonald, Nancy Mead, and Doris Schaefer. The WHO, WHAT, and HOW of organization are
discussed. Refreshments are provided.
June 4- The second organizational meeting is held. Present
are Teresa, Wilma, Pattie, Judy, Florence, Barbara Arnold, and Cathy Fiser. Drafting by-laws and a membership application
are set as immediate goals. "Friends of Union County Library" is selected as a group name.
June 18- The third organizational
meeting is held. Present are Teresa, Wilma, Pattie, Judy, Steve Felker, Virginia Felker, Ann Laux, and
Lou Laux. A set of by-laws drafted by Judy are presented. (Thanks and a tip of the hat to Friends of the Library, Fannin
County, for providing a by-laws model).
July 2- The fourth organizational meeting is held. Present are Teresa, Wilma,
Judy, Barbara, Florence, Steve, Richard, Nancy, and Patricia McDonald. The by-laws are approved. A
draft of a membership application is reviewed and revised.
July 16- The fifth and final organizational meeting is
held. Present are Wilma, Pattie, Judy, Florence, Cathy, and Virginia J. The membership application is approved.
Pattie Hamilton agrees to serve as president, Florence as vice president, and Judy as treasurer and acting secretary.
Cathy volunteers to make a membership poster, design a membership card, and meet with Tommy Stephens, superintendent of Union
County Schools, about printing the membership applications and cards free of charge. Virginia J. and Florence volunteer
to plan a format for a Friends presentation to civic groups. The third Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. is set as the monthly meeting
day and time.
July 19- A checking account is opened at Union County Bank. The opening balance is $243. The initial membership number is five:
Florence and Peter Blumberg, Cathy Fiser, Pattie Hamilton, Virginia Jordan, and Judith Vaughn.